Nice graphics and music. Animation is good too.
But it has bugs, things which i picked up don't show up on the inventory.
And some sound effects sound completely out of place, like he's steps.
Nice graphics and music. Animation is good too.
But it has bugs, things which i picked up don't show up on the inventory.
And some sound effects sound completely out of place, like he's steps.
Well, reading the reviews I think more speed and a different/less repetitive sound of the steps are 2 things I'll have to work on. Some objects don't show in the inventory because are not objects but weapons/items (ex. the lighter), or consumables. Thanks for your feedback!
Wanna know how you got first page? The game's potential.
Wanna know why it got a low score? the technical issues.
I believe alot of people had to go through what you depict in this game.
That's why it got front page.
Get to work fixing it.
Ive just tried it out with my iphone.
This game is real fun. Only problem is that alot of times when i click on the baloons it does't register a click. I think you should increase the baloons hit box.
A game where I have to fall to my death in order to increase my jump height?
Way to stealing sprites from Metal Slug.
I give 1 star for the effort.
Animation is good. sound too. The music gets repitetive though.
I would focus on the gameplay more. the game is too easy, even on insane.
All you have to do is stand beneath the bagel king and he can't do jack shit.
You should add him somekind of a melee attack for when the player gets close.
im thinking about it :P
Graphics are ok. I like the way you made the chopper spin.
Also the chopper's physics are great.
But the game gets boring after the few first levels.
It could also use a soundtrack.
Art is nice, Soundtrack is good too.
Gameplay isn't too great. you just run and hit zombies with a bat. Also I don't understand what the chipper is for.
Only one level prevended it from getting a 5
Beat it. Some of the levels were harder than the final one.
But I like the last level's "bug" where you don't duable jump sometimes and the chainsaws reverse when you jump.
Joined on 4/12/12